The compositions of the seventh chapter move the range played higher and introduce the notes a´´ and g♯´´/a♭´´.
Bonsor, B. JR2 3. Serenata
(ABRSM 5/22) = ABRSM Grade 5, 2022
(in D) etc. = a piece in a transposed key
(+A) = a piece with a range also suitable for alto recorder
(d´´- a´´) etc. = a new interval
as = a♭ / a flat
MM60 = Tempo 60
fl. = soprano recorder
pno. = piano
cemb. = harpsichord
loutcemb. = harpsichord with lute register
loutna = lute
kyt. = guitar
Scores of folk songs are included,
samples see YouTube link below.
Music as Movement respects copyright.
Licenced by OSA.
Sheet music sources
Enter the author/name of the collection/abbr. in the search to display the contents of the collections, e.g. Eben/Simple Sonatina/JR2 etc.
(21MDD) 21 Masque Dances,
London Pro musica 2005
Adams, Sally: First Repertoire For Descant Recorder,
Faber 2004 (FRD)
Allers, Hans-Günther: Petite Suite op. 74,
Verlag Dohr 2008 (PS)
Babell, Willian: Sonata in F major,
Dolce 1993
Bateman, Don: Solos in Swing,
Dolce 1992 (SOS)
Bonsor, Brian: Jazzy Recorder 2,
Universal 1991 (JR2)
Bonsor, Brian: The Really Easy Recorder Book,
Faber Music 1988 (RERB)
(BRA 1) Baroque Recorder Anthology 1,
Schott 2009
(BRA 2) Baroque Recorder Anthology 2,
Schott 2010
Bullard, Alan: Hat Box,
Forsyth 2003
Cecchino, Tomaso: Drei Sonaten,
Schott 1987
Divisions on Chansons II,
Dolce 1980 (DCh2)
Eben, Petr: Duettina,
Panton 1964
(EMMT) Easy Music of Monteverdi´s Time,
Dolce 1991
Flautoškola 2: Kvapil, Jan, Kvapilová, Eva,
WinGra 2004
Klement, Miloslav: Základy hry na sopránovou zobcovou
Bärenreiter 1985 (ZHS)
Lischka, Rainer: In a Groovy Mood,
Girolamo 2018 (InGM)
Lotz, Hans - Georg:
Dachboden-Suite, Möseler 1980 (DS)
(MTS) Masque Tunes,
Schott 1988
(MDF) Meister des Frühbarock,
Schott 1982
Meyers, Andy: Simple Sonatina,
Peacock Press
Mein erstes Konzert auf der Blockflöte, Schott 1982
Migot, Georges: Sonatine No. 2,
Schott 1964
Norton, Christopher: Microjazz,
Boosey and Hawkes 1988
Playford, John: 50 Dance Tunes,
Dolce 2014
(RRA 1) Renaissance Recorder Anthology 1,
Schott 2015
(RRA 2) Renaissance Recorder Anthology 2,
Schott 2016
Russell-Smith, Geoffry: Jazzy Recorder 1,
Universal 1989 (JR1)
Searle, Leslie : For My Friends,
Schott 2019
Sieg, Sören: Karungi,
Sören Sieg 2022
Sládek, Ferdinand:
Náš Poklad, díl 1, Orbis 1951
Sládek, Ferdinand:
Náš Poklad, díl 2, Supraphon 1989
Telemann, Georg Philipp: Partita No. 2 in G,
Schott 1966
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Volume 1,
ABRSM 2007 (TPVol.1S)
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Volume 2,
ABRSM 2007 (TPVol.2S)
Turner, John: Four Diversions,
Forsyth 1976 (4D)
Visée, Robert de: 3 Suiten,
Edition Pelikan
Vrba, Přemysl: Nejkrásnější české a moravské koledy,
Wedgwood, Pam: Easy Jazzin' About,
Faber 2002 (EJA)
Winner Scores All Piano Accompaniment
for Descant Recorder,
Brass Wind 2012 (WSs)
Pieces in this chapter (alphabetically)
(number in parentheses = location in section)
21MDD: 3.
The Second Witches Dance (5.1.)
Adams, S. FRD: 11.
Waltz variations (1.)
Allers, H.-G. PS: 1.
Zirkusfanfare (2.)
Allers, H.-G. PS: 3.
Rondino kurioso (6.2.)
Allers, H.-G. PS: 5.
Akrobatik (2.)
Babell, W.: Sonata in F major 2.
Allegro (3.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 2.
Chit-Chat (2.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 3.
Spirituel a Jean-Marc (5.2.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 4.
Hard to get (6.2.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 5.
Hiyah (3.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 6.
Crossed Lines (1.)
Bonsor, B. JR2: 2.
Nice 'n' Easy (6.5.)
Bonsor, B. JR2: 3.
Serenata (6.1.)
Bonsor, B. JR2: 4.
Reverie (3.)
Bonsor, B. RERB: 12.
Sweet Dreams (1.)
BRA 1: 2. Hotteterre, J.
Menuet (1.)
BRA 1: 4. Blow, J.
Bourrée (2.)
BRA 1: 5. Purcell, H.
March (2.)
BRA 1: 9. Playford, J.
The British Toper (2.)
BRA 1: 14. Telemann, G. Ph.
Menuet (1.)
BRA 1: 26. North, R.
North's Maggot (4.3.)
BRA 2: 1. Telemann, G. P.
Minuet (2.)
BRA 2: 7. Playford, J.
Red House (5.1.)
BRA 2: 26. Fischer, J.
Menuet et Rondeau (2.)
BRA 2: 27. Fischer, J.
Gigue (3.)
Bullard, A.: Hat Box 7.
Best Bonnet Waltz (3.)
Cecchino, T.:
Sonata prima (5.1.)
DCh2: Crecquillon, Th., Bassano, G.
Oncques amour (3.)
Eben, P.: 1.
Večerní duettino (3.)
Eben, P.: 2.
Polkové duettino (1.)
Eben, P.: 3.
Valčíkové duettino (2.)
Eben, P.: 4.
Konejšivé duettino (2.)
Eben, P.: 5.
Koncertantní duettino (2.)
Eben, P.: 6.
Umíněné duettino (4.3.)
EMMT: 3. Cima, G. P.
Nativitas Tua Dei Genitrix (3.)
Flautoškola 2: 6.19.
Britští granátníci (4.3.)
Klement, M. ZHS: 148.
Tanec (3.)
Klement, M. ZHS: 149.
Sarabanda (1.)
Klement, M. ZHS: 150.
Pastorale (4.3.)
Lischka, R. InGM:
Jumping Bass (1.)
Lotz, H.-G. DS: 1.
Sperrmüll - Blues (6.2.)
MDF Quagliatti, P.:
Toccata (4.1.)
MEKB Pepusch, J. CH.: Sonáta G dur 1.
Adagio (4.3.)
MEKB Pepusch, J. CH.: Sonáta G dur 3.
Adagio (3.)
Meyers, A.: Simple Sonatina 1.
Prelude (5.1.)
Meyers, A.: Simple Sonatina 2.
Tear Drops In The Rain (1.)
Meyers, A.: Simple Sonatina 3.
Grey Skies Turn Blue (5.1.)
Migot, G.: Sonatine No. 2 2.
Allant (1.)
MTS Suite No. 1: 2.
The Sailor´s Masque (1.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 3.
A Restful Place (4.1.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 6.
American Train (4.1.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 8.
Banana Sandwich (4.3.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 10.
Marina (4.3.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 11.
Floor33 (4.3.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 12.
Chicago Blues (3.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 13.
Catwalk (4.2.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 14.
Imps (4.1.)
Playford, J.: 2.
Greenwood (1.)
Playford, J.: 26.
Prince Ruppert´s March (1.)
RRA 1: 3. Anonymous
Une Jeune Fillette (in d) (5.1.)
RRA 1: 16. d´Estrée, J.
Allemande (in C) (4.3.)
RRA 2: 10. Anonymous
Galliard (1.)
RRA 2: 13. Anonymous
Alman (1.)
RRA 2: 22. Phalèse, P.
Pavane de la Bataille (1.)
RRA 2: 27. Farnaby, G.
Tower Hill (3.)
RRA 2: 28. Praetorius, M.
Ballet des Matelotz (1.)
RRA 2: 29. Anonymous
Ballet des Princesses (1.)
RRA 2: 30. Senfl, L.
Fantasia (1.)
RRA 2: 32. Holborne, A.
Fantasia (1.)
Russell-Smith, G. JR1: 5.
Blue For A Girl (5.1.)
Searle, L.: 2.
Shall We Beguine (5.2.)
Searle, L.: 6.
Gaelic Lullaby (1.)
Searle, L.: 10.
This Is Just a Tune for You (1.)
Sieg, S. Karungi: 2.
Kinyongo (3.)
Sieg, S. Karungi: 3.
Kuagana (4.3.)
Telemann, G. Ph.: Partita No. 2 in G
Siciliana (5.1.)
TPVol.1S: 17.
Stepping-out Piper (6.5.)
TPVol.2S: 04.
Allegro (1.)
Turner, J. 4D: 2.
Waltz (2.)
Visée, R. de 3S: Suite 1.
Allemande grave (2.)
Wedgwood, P. EJA: 1.
Tangerine (4.3.)
WSs: Dammicco, C. (Zacar)
When A Child Is Born (1.)
WSs: Gluck, Ch. W.
Aria (5.1)
WSs: Hadjidakis, M.
Never on a Sunday (1.)
WSs: Vivaldi, A.
Winter (1.)
Czech folk songs (with sheet music)
Sládek, F.1:
Ančičko šafářovic! (in E) (6.4.)
Sládek, F.2:
Já bych šel za milou (in A) (6.1.)
Sládek, F.2:
Kdybys byl, Jeníčku (6.1.)
Sládek, F.2:
Kukulienka kuká (6.4.)
Sládek, F.2:
Láska, Bože, láska (6.3.)
Czech carols
Vrba, P. Koledy:
Nesem vám noviny (2.)