The last chapter for the soprano recorder expands the range used to the limit of the standard range. The tracks contain new notes b♭´´, b´´, c´´´ and d´´´. The content omits the note c♯´´´ - covering the eighth hole of the bell is practiced in compositions for alto recorder - chap. 14. The only exception is the composition
The Kid From Venezuela, where c♯´´´ is found in combination with the notes d´´ and b♭´´. The extreme position of the soprano recorder can also be practiced on the pieces from chapters 12 and 13.
Bullard, A. Recipes 1. Coffee & Croissants
(ABRSM 5/22) = ABRSM Grade 5, 2022
(+A) = a piece with a range also suitable for alto recorder
(S) = a version for soprano recorder
(a´´- b´´) etc. = a new interval
MM60 = Tempo 60
sr =
senza replica
fl. = soprano recorder
pno. = piano
cemb. = harpsichord
loutcemb. = harpsichord with lute register
loutna = lute
kyt. = guitar
Music as Movement respects copyright.
Licenced by OSA.
Sheet music sources
Enter the author/name of the collection/abbr. in the search to display the contents of the collections, e.g. Bullard/Hat Box/TD etc.
(5IDT) 5 Irish Dance Tunes,
Moeck 2002
(21MDD) 21 Masque Dances,
London Pro musica 2005
(25MDD) 25 Masque Dances,
London Pro Musica 1987
Babell, William: Sonata in F major,
Dolce 1993
Bateman, Don: Solos in Swing,
Dolce 1992 (SOS)
Bonsor, Brian: Jazzy Recorder 2,
Universal 1991 (JR2)
(BRA 1) Baroque Recorder Anthology 1,
Schott 2009
(BRA 2) Baroque Recorder Anthology 2,
Schott 2010
(BRA 3) Baroque Recorder Anthology 3,
Schott 2010
Bullard, Alan: Hat Box,
Forsyth 2003
Bullard, Alan: Recipes,
Forsyth 1993
Bullard, Alan: Three Diversions,
Forsyth 2002 (TD)
Dlouhý, Milan: Píšťalko, hraj!,
Amos Editio 2001 (PH)
Eben, Petr: Duettina,
Panton 1964
Fortin, Viktor: Maurice Stegers Pinocchio,
Moeck 2010
Geysen, Frans: Erste Begegnung,
Mieroprint 1995
(MTS) Masque Tunes,
Schott 1988
Mein erstes Konzert auf der Blockflöte, Schott 1982
Norton, Christopher: Microjazz,
Boosey and Hawkes 1988
Regner, Hermann: Pfiffikus,
Schott 2008
Rose, Pete: The Kid From Venezuela,
Universal Edition 1992
Rosin, Sylvia Corinna: Black Nag,
Moeck 2011
Russell-Smith, Geoffry: Jazzy Recorder 1,
Universal 1989 (JR1)
Sammartini, Giuseppe : Concerto in F-dur,
Amadeus 1985
Sieg, Sören: Karungi,
Sören Sieg 2022
Telemann, Georg Philipp: Don Quixote Suite,
Schott 2008 (DQS)
Telemann, Georg Philipp: Partita No. 2 in G,
Schott 1966
Time Pieces for Descant/Soprano Recorder, Volume 1,
ABRSM 2007 (TPVol.1S)
Vrba, Přemysl: Nejkrásnější české a moravské koledy,
Wedgwood, Pam: Easy Jazzin' About,
Faber 2002 (EJA)
Pieces in this chapter (alphabetically)
(number in parentheses = location in section)
Johnny's Wedding (3.4.)
21MDD: 5.
Sir Francis Bacons Masque (2.7.)
21MDD: 7.
Cupararee or Graysin (1.1.)
21MDD: 12.
The Standing Masque (3.1.)
25MDD: 1.
The Temple Anticke 1 (3.2.)
Babell, W.: Sonata in F major 1.
Largo (1.5.)
Babell, W.: Sonata in F major 3.
Largo (1.1.)
Babell, W.: Sonata in F major 4.
Allegro (1.2.)
Bateman, D. SOS: 1.
Blues for Andrew (1.1.)
Bonsor, B. JR2: 1.
Get up and go! (4.)
Bonsor, B. JR2: 5.
Waltz For Mo (2.1.)
BRA 1: 19. Fischer, J.
Bourree (2.1.)
BRA 1: 29. Lully, J. B.
Minuet (2.1.)
BRA 1: 30. Purcell, H.
Hornpipe (1.6.)
BRA 2: 2. Telemann, G. Ph.
Rigaudon (2.4.)
BRA 2: 3. Delalande, M.-R. 3.
Passepied (1.3.)
BRA 2: 4. Bingham, G. Trumpet
Air (2.1.)
BRA 2: 5. Fischer, J.
Angloise 1 (1.6.)
BRA 2: 6. Fischer, J.
Angloise 2 (1.1.)
BRA 2: 8. Purcell, H.
Rondo from The Fairy Queen (1.2.)
BRA 2: 11. Delalande, M.-R.
Rondeau (1.1.)
BRA 2: 12. Delalande M.-R.
Gavotte (1.1.)
BRA 2: 13. Babell, W.
Boree (1.1.)
BRA 2: 14. Luidhens, P.
Corente (1.1.)
BRA 2: 15. Telemann, G. Ph.
Affettuoso (2.1.)
BRA 2: 16. Telemann, G. Ph.
Presto (2.1.)
BRA 2: 19. Caix d'Hervelois, L. de
Muzette (2.1.)
BRA 2: 20. Telemann, G. Ph.
A Tempo Giusto (1.2.)
BRA 2: 21. Telemann, G. Ph.
Tempo di Minuetto (1.2.)
BRA 2: 22. Telemann, G. Ph.
Allegro (2.)
BRA 2: 24. Fischer, J.
Gigue (1.7.)
BRA 2: 25. Fischer, J.
Bourée (1.6.)
BRA 2: 28. Blow, J.
Gavotte (1.8.)
BRA 2: 29. Locke, M.
Sarabande (1.1.)
BRA 2: 30. Locke, M.
Jigg (1.4.)
BRA 2: 31. Jenkins, J.
The Lady Katherine Audley´s Bell (2.1.)
BRA 3: 4.
Bourrée (S) (3.2.)
Bullard, A.: Hat Box 1.
Top Hat Quadrille (4.)
Bullard, A.: Recipes 1.
Coffee & Croissants (3.3.)
Bullard, A.: Recipes 3.
Prawn Paella (4.)
Bullard, A.: Recipes 5.
Fish and Chips (4.)
Bullard, A. TD: 1.
by Road... (4.)
Bullard, A. TD: 3.
by Rail... (4.)
Dlouhý, M. PH: 1.
Moderato (3.3.)
Dlouhý, M. PH: 2.
Allegretto (3.3.)
Dlouhý, M. PH: 3.
Andante con moto (3.2.)
Dlouhý, M. PH: 4.
Allegro vivo con brio (3.3)
Eben, P.: 6.
Rytmické duettino (2.1.)
Fortin, V.:
Maurice Steger´s Pinocchio (1.1.)
Geysen, F.:
Erste Begegnung (1.2.)
MEKB Pepusch, J. CH.: Sonáta G dur 2.
Allegro (2.1.)
MEKB Pepusch, J. CH.: Sonáta G dur 4.
Allegro (2.1.)
MTS Suite No. 1: 1.
The Bear´s Dance (1.3.)
MTS Suite No. 1: 3.
Cupararee or Gray´s Inn (1.1.)
MTS Suite No. 2: 1.
The Prince´s Masque (2.5.)
MTS Suite No. 2:
2. (2.5.)
MTS Suite No. 2:
3. (3.1.)
MTS Suite No. 3:
1. (2.1.)
MTS Suite No. 3:
2. (2.3.)
MTS Suite No. 3:
3. (1.2.)
MTS Suite No. 3:
4. (2.6.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 4.
Out for Lunch (1.7.)
Norton, Ch. Microjazz: 9.
Steam-train Blues (1.1.)
Regner, H. Pfiffikus: 1.
Andante (1.3.)
Regner, H. Pfiffikus: 2.
Con moto (2.1.)
Rose, P.:
The Kid From Venezuela (4.)
Rosin, S. C.:
Black Nag (4.)
Russell-Smith, G. JR1: 3.
Ragtime Razzle (4.)
Russell-Smith, G. JR1: 4.
A Little Latin (3.2.)
Sammartini, G: Concerto 2.
Siciliano (1.2.)
Sieg, S.: Karungi 6.
Valse triste (1.2.)
Telemann, G. Ph.: DQS 6.
Le Couché de Quixotte (4.)
Telemann, G. Ph.: Partita No. 2 in G
Aria 1 (2.1.)
Telemann, G. Ph.: Partita No. 2 in G
Aria 2 (2.5.)
TPVol.1S: 8.
Bourrée (2.7.)
TPVol.1S: 14.
March (2.3.)
TPVol.1S: 15.
March (3.3.)
Wedgwood, P. EJA: 11.
Cat Walk (3.3.)
Zimmer, H.:
He´s Pirate (4.)
Czech carols
Vrba, P. Koledy:
Vánoční ukolébavka (1.3.)